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HomePage title 1

Quality service and committed employees. How do we do it?

It is important to know whom you are dealing with when you trust your cargo to us. So read on: this is GLOBAX Logistics, this is how we think, and this is how we move.

In addition to its core business of overland transport, air & sea freight and logistics, the company also operates a number of highly specialized industry solutions and subsidiaries under the umbrella of Globax Logistics Holding AG, based in Lauterach (Vorarlberg, Austria). This includes logistics consultancy x|vise, tectraxx (industry specialist for hi-tech businesses), dicall (telephone service, consulting and telemarketing), Railcargo (railway transport) and the Globax logistics parcel service GWP, a shareholder in the Austrian company DPD. This bundling of services allows us to respond to customer needs quickly and flexibly.

Having implemented a variety of ecological, economic and social initiatives, the family-owned company, which has a history going back 500 years, is considered a pioneer in terms of sustainable business today.

  • Land transport
  • Sea freight
  • Air fright
  • Logistic solutions
  • Industry solutions
  • Custom solutions

Globax logistics
in numbers







Meat the GLOBAX team


Alex Smith


Alex Richards


Lila Brown

SEO manager

Michael Smith

Creative director

Samanta Brown


Simon Bond

Corporate Movie

The Corporate Movie of the transport and logistics service provider Globax Logistics. GL not only moves goods and data, but also people who are connected to the orange network.

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